Smart Home Technology

As it goes, years pass and technology advances. Existing technology improves; and new technology is introduced. We talk on our smart phones – surf, play, and even talk to our smart phones – we drive our smart cars, watch our smart TV’s, and allow for our smart vacuum cleaners to parade our floors so that we may live cleanly in our smart homes. Regardless of how often, or of how many smart pieces of technology we may own, we are constantly surrounded by such, merely through the world in which we live in.

As it progresses, smart technology becomes more and more prevalent in our day to day lives – sanctioning it as something that we have come to rely on. Now, this by no means has a negative connotation to it, to say that we are dependent on it – no. Rather, smart items have assisted us in such ways that have kept us healthy through the multitude of apps that keep us active and moving; have kept us alert in the many features that smart cars offer for a safe and timely trip; and have protected us through the growing array of systems, gadgets, and devices that our all-encompassing smart homes carry. In fact, smart homes have become the talk of the town in many cities around the world. They are known to save energy, manage your family’s lifestyles and be accessible to you at any location. Here are a few examples that might be of interest to you:

  • BeOn’s Smart Bulbs. These smart lightbulbs will certainly keep your house from being in the dark. They’re made to turn on when your power goes out, when your doorbell rings, and/or if your alarm goes off. Their only downfall – they don’t come cheap – but then again, you can never really put a price on the safety of your family and of your home. To read more about these miracle bulbs, click here.

While the smart home world is still considered to be in its infancy, it is growing at unstoppable rates. The list of new products, revised products, and even the many extensions to the already-existing products remain endless. So if you haven’t done so already, consider safeguarding your home with smart home technology.