Protecting Your Home: Tree Maintenance

Trees make our properties beautiful as well as providing both shade and privacy. They are an important part of our landscape and something that we don’t often give much thought to until something goes wrong. In most cases, trees require very little maintenance but here are some tips to help guide your when it comes to tree maintenance:

1) It’s always best to leave a tree alone

If you have a tree that is not encroaching on your home and seems to be healthy, there is no reason to trim it. There is a common misconception that all trees need to be trimmed and this is not the case. Trimming puts stress on a tree and could cause more problems than good.

2) Protecting Your Home

Tree branches that are touching your home or roof should be cut back to ensure that they do not damage your home and this is easy enough for a homeowner to see by taking a look. Keep in mind that the branches will grow back so make sure to plan to include this task in your regular yard maintenance. If you are concerned about roots and your foundation, keep in mind that the roots are generally a mirror image of the shape of the tree above ground. If the tree does not grow over or into your house, the roots are not likely pushing against your foundation.

3) Take Pictures

It is a good idea to take regular pictures of your trees. It is often difficult to remember what your tree looked like last year or when you moved into your home. This way, if you have concerns, you can look back to see if the problem is something new or if the tree has always been that way.

4) Always use appropriate ground cover around trees

Trees will do best with soil or grass surrounding them; this is their natural surroundings. If you choose to do something more decorative (which can certainly be tempting as it can be difficult to grow grass due to the constant shade under a large tree) consider putting a shade garden as this would be the most natural alternative. Avoid putting river rock around the base of a tree as the rocks hold in the heat which can damage the roots and ultimately could kill the tree.

5) Warning Signs to Watch For

If you are concerned about the health of your tree, there are some common things that should be watched out for. These are signs that the tree may be unstable or dying and should be looked into.

  • Mushrooms – A few mushrooms are normal but if you notice that there are many growing underneath the tree, this may be a sign that the roots are rotting. This could make a tree more likely to uproot in a strong wind.
  • Woodpeckers – These beautiful birds can wreak havoc on a tree. If you notice one who seems to constantly be returning to the same spot, you may want to try to deter it. Woodpeckers holes can leave you with dead branches.
  • Dead Branches – Dead branches can be caused by a variety of things and do not necessarily mean that the tree is in trouble but they are more likely to fall in a strong wind. It may be smart to consider removing the “dead wood”.
  • Emerald Ash Borer – If you have an ash tree, this bug is wiping them out across the city. Look for white patches, dead branches, the tell-tale squiggly tracks under the bark if it starts to peel.
  • A crack down the middle – A tree that is split down the middle can be incredibly unstable. Depending on the severity of the crack, an arborist may be able to put a wire in the tree to save it.

6) Call an Arborist

If you are concerned about your trees and the scope of the work involved, it is always advisable to contact an arborist. Arborists are trained professionals who have an incredible knowledge of trees and are highly skilled when it comes to tree maintenance and removal. If you need work done, make sure to get multiple quotes and always make sure that the person doing the work is properly trained and insured.