Protecting your Home: Fire Prevention

It is every homeowner’s nightmare: a fire! Not only can a house fire cause significant damage to property, it could cause catastrophic injuries or worse. Most fires are caused by human error or carelessness so here are some tips to avoid ever having to deal with a fire:

Take Extra Precautions in the Kitchen

It’s estimated that 38% of fires in Canada from 2002 to 2005 were attributed to cooking equipment.  That number is staggering so extra precautions are needed while cooking.

  • Stay in the kitchen while cooking in the oven or on the stove.
  • Ensure that flammable items such as oven mitts, towels, and food packaging are never left on the stove (even if you are not presently cooking).
  • Small appliances that produce heat such as toasters, coffee makers, or kettles, should always be turned off when not in use and preferably should be unplugged.
  • Keep a pot lid handy while cooking on the stove; if a fire should start, slide the lid over the pot and turn off the stove.

Store it Safely!

It’s very important that certain items and materials be stored safely in and around your home.

  • Gasoline should be stored in a regulated gas can in a well ventilated area.
  • Never store propane cylinders in an attached garage.
  • Make sure that all batteries are stored and disposed of in a safe manner.
  • Always store lighters and matches out of the reach of children.

Candles and Cigarettes

These two items are found frequently in many homes and when proper precautions are not taken, they can cause a major fire risk.

  • Never leave a burning candle unattended.
  • Keep linens and bedding away from candles.
  • Avoid cheap candles with flammable decorative components.
  • Never smoke in bed.
  • Always use an ashtray, and preferably smoke outside.
  • Never discard burning cigarettes into flower pots or on the grass.

Make sure to check your Smoke Detectors Regularly

This is not fire prevention but very important should a fire ever start in your home. By law, every home must have smoke detectors on all levels as well as outside of sleeping areas but they will not help you in case of fire unless they are working. Make sure change the batteries every year (pick a holiday and use that as a reminder) or whenever it chimes that it needs changing. Test your smoke detectors once a month and make sure they are installed correctly according to manufacturer guidelines. Remember smoke detectors save lives.